Spokane Helpers Network
This is a website I made for a new nonprofit based out of Spokane called Spokane Helpers Network. They help connect people in need to resources in the community. They deliver free food, clothing, hygiene items, and household cleaning products to help meet people's basic needs.
Tribute Page
This is a tribute page I put together to complete the freecodecamp.org responsive web design certification. I chose to do this project on Alan Turing, because of his incredible contribution to modern computing.
Dice App
This is a single-page web application that converts an image into one made out of dice and provides a csv file with instructions on how to make the image with real dice. After selecting an image and clicking generate, please give the program a little time to do its thing.
This is a solo project that I completed while working for Metro Ideas Project. The goal of the project was for me to learn the basics of web development by creating a website surrounding the US Census Bureau's API.
Product Landing Page
This is another project I did to complete my Responsive Web Design certification. It is a product landing page for a fictional coffee roasting company called Lighthouse Coffee.
People Over 64 Living Alone
This project is an interactive, thematic map displaying the number of homeowners 65 years old and older who are living alone in Chattanooga by census tract. I completed this project while I was working for an urban policy think tank in Tennessee. The goal was to make a tool that would help policy-makers visualize where there were areas of need within their jurisdiction.